
Strawberries are probably close to being one of the most perfect things to grow. They take up fairly little space and are easy to grow. Many of the new varieties are everbearing which means that they will produce all summer, and are fairly disease and pest resistant. If you haven’t put in a small strawberry […]

Hardening Off

If you’re new to gardening, you might have heard the term “hardening off.” As a new plant parent, generally the first thing you are anxious to do when you bring your babies home, is to plant them right away to show them off. However, depending on where you live and when you bring them home, […]

Time to Water!

Even though it’s not planting season, there is still a gardening chore you need to be doing right now and that’s watering. Even though we’ve had some snow, in most places it hasn’t been enough to keep the roots of your plants well hydrated and one of the most common causes of winterkill among trees, […]

In 1978 a plant known as P. Golden Emperor ‘Sweet’ was sold in Taiwan for $100,000. Now plants of this species have become a mass market commodity and can be found in local grocery stores for less than $10. What are they? Orchids. With annual sales of $86.3 million, orchids are arguably the best selling […]