The question that has been most often asked in the garden center this week has been, “Can I still plant? Isn’t it fall and that means its time for things to die and me to clean up my garden?” The answer to that question is, yes, fall is when your garden traditionally is put to […]
The spill at the Gold King Mine last week reminded me how fragile our trees and environment really are. It also reminded me of the importance of the plants and other living things that surround and live in that ecosystem. It’s no different in your yard. One of the best things you can do is […]
Liquid Sunshine is what has been falling over much of our area this spring. While we are so grateful for it, there have been days I’ve longed to see the sun shine for one entire day, uninterrupted by the daily shower. It’s turned our high, dry, desert southwest into an oasis. I was driving through […]
Here are some of our new favorites for 2015, but this isn’t all of them! Visit us throughout the season as more and more things arrive and begin to bloom. It’s going to be a great gardening year! More new Annuals you will love in 2015! Flash Mob Petunias- Easy to grow, great in baskets […]
Pollination in your garden is mandatory if you want great flowers and good vegetable yields, and most of us don’t think much about how this process happens. Pollen can be spread by birds going from flower to flower to feed as in the case of hummingbirds, by wind or by insects such as bees. There’s […]
For many gardeners the winter months can be challenging when they can’t get out and work in the yard. But… there are always houseplants to brighten up a winter weary world. The problem is that many times the houseplants aren’t looking their best and many homeowners don’t quite know what to do about that. The […]